Business Survival During COVID-19

COVID-19 has changed the way we perform so many activities. 

Poole Group is here and is working to ensure we are supporting all of our clients. The Government has released various Stimulus Packages to obtain details of these Government packages, please click on the link below…nment-stimulus/

The biggest package is the JobKeeper payment if you are eligible to receive this payment, Poole Group from the 20th April can enrol you and we can make your claim for the JobKeeper payment from the 4th May until the 31st May.  If you would like our assistance in either enrolling or applying for the JobKeeper payment please call our office on 07 5437 9900.

In the interim, we would like to encourage you to action the following:

  1. Tax & BAS Lodgements – ensure that all lodgements are up to date so there is no delay in accessing the available concessions.
  2. Banks & Funding – arrange additional bank funding if possible. Reach out to your current lender to discuss possible payment deferral arrangements.
  3. Customer & Suppliers – keep them updated.  Let them know it’s ‘business as usual” so they have peace of mind to continue purchasing or supplying.
  4. Employees, Mental Health & Energy – openly discuss the strategies in place for your business to survive with your employees & look after yourself.  This may be one of the most stressful times a business owner and employee may ever experience.
  5. Information – Don’t get flooded, make sure the information you are reading is from a trusted source, contact us if you need help understanding the stimulus packages.

The team at Poole Group are here to help you, and we are continually providing updates via our Facebook page and Website so refer to them regularly or contact us directly.

Facebook – facebook/poolegroup
Website –

We can still be contacted by calling us on 07 5437 9900 or email at

We are in this together and here for you.

Warmest Regards
Don, David, Craig, Dale, Neil, Kirk and all the team at the Poole Group.

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