Legal Information & Privacy Policy

Poole & Partners Pty Ltd, and its associated entities, are committed to protecting your privacy and understand you wish to have your personal information kept secure. We appreciate the fact that we collect and hold a large range of highly sensitive information in our role as your accountant and adviser. Accordingly, we maintain our commitment to adhere to the National Privacy Principles (NPPs) and any applicable laws, regulations, codes etc when collecting, using, disclosing, securing and providing access to personal information.

Type of Personal Information Collected

We aim to collect only personal information that is relevant and necessary in providing the services you have requested from us. Most of this information is collected either directly from you or indirectly from your employer or professional advisers.

Generally, Poole & Partners may collect any of (but not necessarily all of or limited to) the following information about you:

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Postal & Business Addresses
  • Tax File Number
  • Email Address
  • ABN
  • Telephone & Fax Numbers
  • ACN
  • Account & Business Records
  • Bank Account Details
  • Taxation Records
  • Financial Records
  • Business Associate Details
  • Family Details

This policy does not apply to:

Acts or practices of Poole & Partners that are directly related to records of current or former employees; and
Information about companies or partnerships unless, and to the extent that, the I Information is specific to identifiable individuals of the company or firm.

The law does not require us to collect personal information about you, however, if you do not provide us with the relevant information, we will not be able to adequately provide you with the services you require.

Purpose for Collecting Personal Information

We collect this information to allow us to provide professional services as you have requested from us including accounting, taxation, auditing, financial planning, superannuation fund establishment and administration, business and other related services performed from time to time.

This information may also be used to send newsletters, raise awareness about recent business-related developments that may be of relevance or interest, invite you to seminars or events we conduct or host and to assist us in managing our practice.

Personal information is shared within Poole & Partners in order to communicate information about our wide range of business services.

We will not sell, rent, trade or otherwise supply to third parties any personal information obtained from you unless we have received your prior consent.

We will not disclose information about you to any third parties unless the disclosure:

  • Is necessary for a service you have requested (eg to the ASIC for company incorporations);
  • Is required by law;
  • Is authorised by law;
  • You have provided consent for us to disclose the information about you.

Third Parties

Information may be disclosed to the following third parties:

  • Government Departments;
  • Australian Securities and Investment Commission;
  • Australian Taxation Office;
  • Australian Prudential & Regulation Authority;
  • Centrelink;
  • Building Services Authority;
  • WorkCover;
  • Your bank/financial company whom have requested that you provide certain personal details (eg tax returns and/or financial statements to support finance applications) only where you have provided specific consent to provide such details;
  • Various organisations when this is necessary to process an order for a service requested by you (eg company incorporations, setting up a superannuation fund or unit or discretionary trust);
  • Collection Agencies.

The following third parties may have access to your personal information at times:

  • IT technicians when providing on-site support. However, it is our practice for technicians to work under supervision.
  • Contract cleaners.
  • Secure document destruction service.

Keeping your Personal Information Secure

Protecting personal information is a priority at Poole & Partners. We are committed in maintaining the security and confidentiality of your information and will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the information we collect is stored in a secure environment that is accessed only by authorised personnel so as to prevent misuse, loss or unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

Security measures we have employed include:

  • Restricted access to our premises and physical records;
  • Our office is under continuous surveillance by “back-to-base” security system;
  • All computers are password protected;
  • Use of firewalls and virus software to protect electronic information;
  • Use of a secure document shredding service;
  • Our employees and contractors all sign confidentiality agreements when beginning employment.

Although we endeavour to provide a secure environment and a reliable system, you need to be aware that there are inherent risks associated with the electronic storage and transmission of information (particularly via the internet), which cannot be guaranteed to be 100% secure.

If the information is no longer needed for any purpose, we will take all reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify the information.
Accessing your Personal Information

You may access your personal information held by Poole & Partners, subject to some exceptions, by making a request in writing to:

The Privacy Officer

Poole & Partners Pty Ltd
PO Box 206

We will respond to your request for access as soon as practicable and endeavour to provide the required information within 30

In some cases, we may charge you a reasonable fee to recover our costs for providing access based on the quantity of material and time involved in providing access.

We may not be able to provide access to information in some situations including:

  • Providing access would be unlawful;
  • Denying access is required by or authorised by law;
  • Providing access will pose an unreasonable impact on the privacy of any individual;
  • The requested information relates to existing or anticipated legal proceeds between ourselves and an individual, and the information would not be accessible by the process of discovery in those proceedings.

If you believe that the personal information we hold is not accurate, complete and up-to-date, please do not hesitate to contact our office to request correction of this information.

Contact Details

If you have a concern or complaint you can phone the Privacy Officer at Poole & Partners on 07) 5437 9900 or write to the Privacy Officer at the above address. We will do our best to try and resolve your complaint within 90 days.

If we are unable to resolve your complaint within this time, or you are unhappy with the outcome, you may refer your complaint to the Privacy Commissioner:

Postal Address:
GPO Box 5218
1300 363 992
Changes to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is not a static document and we may make changes from time to time for any reason. We will provide an updated version of this policy on request.

Poole Group Wealth

Our full Financial Services Privacy Policy

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